My High School Bully

“Hey Laura, you live in Boston, right? We’re here for a wedding and would love to catch up,” said the Facebook message. The message was from my high school bully, my tormentor, my source of constant fear, stress, and anxiety, and as you might imagine, it gave me pause. Now, I’ve done pretty well since … Read more

I Made it Weird

I made it weird. Around mile 8, I started seeing all the super fit runners who’d already made it to mile ten and were on their way home. And something came over me and I just got so happy. It’s been a very long year and a half for all of us Many people I … Read more

Dave Grohl is the Hero We All Need

I have a recurring fantasy about Dave Grohl, and it is fiery hot!Picture this, if you will… summer is coming to an end, the Labor Day bar-b-ques are heating up, and as soon as I throw those burgers on the open fire, my neighbor, six pack in hand, pops his uninvited head around the corner … Read more

We All Have the Twisties

Have you been watching the Olympics? I have. I’m actually quite the Olympics nerd, summer Olympics in particular. Why? The bodies! The nearly naked bodies. But, I promise, I’m not a gross pervert. I just love seeing the muscles, the form, the fitness, all of it which you can’t see under layers of Winter Olympic … Read more

You Don’t Have to Give the Trophies Back

You Don’t Have to Give the Trophies Back Sometime around early fall 2020, I stopped sleeping. It might have been the stress of trying to rebuild a travel-dependent, event-reliant, stage-centric speaking career in the midst of a pandemic that had decimated travel, shuttered events, and obliterated the stage. Perhaps it was the ever-growing pancake stack … Read more

Who are Your Champions?

Who are your champions? And why do they matter? Your champions are the difference between a goal being an idea, floating around in pretty curly script in your head, and an accomplishment that you look back upon proudly and build upon compoundedly. (I know that’s not a word. But it should be: compound accomplishments are … Read more

Stop Keeping Score

I want you to stop keeping score. There are two types of people in the world: those who keep score, and those who don’t. I’m not a scorekeeper. Never have been. That doesn’t mean I’m not hella competitive. Trust me, if you’re on a rowing machine, treadmill, or spin bike next to me, I’m racing you… … Read more