
What Are You Grateful For?

Are you grateful?A few weeks ago, a friend, lamenting about missing travel, asked a question, “What was the last trip you took?”​​​I couldn’t remember.Sure, I remembered the last trip that was cancelled: two glorious weeks of spring break, the first of which would be spent doing college tours with my...
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My Brain is Broken. Is Yours, Too?

My brain is broken.And yours might be, too.For the last couple of weeks, my teammates and I have gotten together in my open garage, with our rowing machines spaced six feet apart, to do our regular morning workouts, just as we’ve been doing since the pandemic began. But over the...
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The Night Kurt Cobain Died

Kurt Cobain died 25 years ago.I had tickets to see Pearl Jam at Patriot Center in Fairfax, Virginia on April 8, 1994. I was 23 years old and had been working in the White House at the time. Kurt Cobain was 27, and had just been found dead.For hours we...
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Stop Trying to Impress Others

Stop trying to impress others.  Brace yourself, future eye roll coming in hot in 5-4-3-2-1!Have you ever had the experience of Past You popping back up to mock the hell out of Current You by showing you, in your very own handwriting, just what a complete and utter tool bag...
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In Praise of Burning Bridges

I’d like to voice an unpopular opinion: I’m in favor of burning bridges.I learned something about myself recently that I found startling: I am a bridge burner.Anyone who knows me will attest that I am no diplomat. I do not find shared ground. I do not exploit commonalities. Blunt is...
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Be the You that You Needed

Who did you need when you were younger?Last week, I got message on social media from a woman I’d only met once, at her sister’s funeral.⁣I was close with her sister, Barbara, when we were both just getting started in our careers, working together to help create the national service...
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Do You See What I See?

We were blind, but now we see.About a year ago, a bunch of speaker and author friends of mine were lamenting the fact that every single conference was going to be themed “VISION 2020!” We laughed and laughed, rolling our eyes, wondering how were we going to keep them all...
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Never Apologize for Your Value

Walk away, loser. I know my worth. Do you?⁣ It's important that we know our worth, our value, and NEVER apologize for it. Allow me to tell you a story about an actual conversation I had this weekend.⁣Him: "I'd like to hire you to be my executive coach."⁣Me: "Sure, but I'm...
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Everything is Uncertain, and Nothing is Forever: Dancing with Depression

Michelle Obama admitted last week that she’s been dealing with low-grade depression. ⁣ ⁣ Girl, same.⁣Low-grade depression: check!Mrs. Obama didn’t have to do this. But she did. And I’m doing so she opened the doors for so many of us to have conversations that we were afraid to have before....
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The Opportunity that Almost Didn’t Happen

This opportunity almost didn’t happen……but it was one of my highlights of 2019. ⁣ ⁣ Let me take you back:⁣ ⁣ Whenever anyone posts about Limitless, I love to reach out. ⁣ ⁣ “Hi… I’m Laura. You’ve been posting about me and my book, and I figured I would say...
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An Ode to My Teachers

Teachers have had a hell of a couple of years. They were thrown like cannon fodder onto the front lines. Parents, desperate to alleviate the burden of unplanned and untrained homeschooling, were torn between normalcy for their kids, battling within between economic stability of being able to actually work, and...
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I Can’t Believe I Put on Pantyhose for This

I put on a pair of pantyhose twenty years ago.  It was nineteen years before I’d wear another pair.When my last company was about five years old, I got the call of most entrepreneurs’ dreams. “Laura, we’ve been watching you, and we like what you are doing, and we’d like...
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