Find Your Family
Who’s in your framily?I found out a few weeks ago that some guy I know in my small corner of the world was talking shit about me. Over the weekend I learned that someone else from my small corner of the world has held a years long grudge against me....
Borrowing Courage to Find Your Own
Have you ever need to find the courage to step so far outside of your comfort zone that you found a different version of yourself?That happened to me this past weekend.I got on stage in front of 5,000 people, my biggest audience of my career, and the crowd was wild....
Are You Getting Too Much Advice?
Asking for advice... It seemed like a good idea at the time, right? But are you getting too much advice?You had a problem, an issue, a confusion, and you said, "You know what? I'll get some advice. I bet Jane can help."And so you asked Jane.But while you were playing...
POTUS, a Plane Crash, and Few Hundred Big Macs
The year was 1994, and I was 23 years old and worth my weight in anxiety and 80s power suits inherited from my mother (the suits, not the anxiety). I was working in the White House after having Wizard of Oz'ed my way into the campaign, the transition team, and...
Life is a Choice, and You Decide What Happens Next
When the millenium turned from 1999 to 2000, my husband and I were at a party in Greenwich, Connecticut. Don't get it twisted. We weren't "of" Greenwich. We were just "in" Greenwich.To be honest, It was probably the fanciest party we'd ever attended. It was thrown by peers who were...
It’s Never Too Late to Say Thank You
At the end of 2016, a young man I know asked me to give him some career advice. I asked him the usual questions about what made him happy, and what he wanted to do, how much he wanted to earn, and the type of job that would give him...
You Can Do Hard Things
I've been thinking a lot this week about why we do hard things, why I do hard things, and how you can do hard things, too.Over this past week so many of you have told me things like:"You are so much stronger than me.""I could never do that.""You must be...
My High School Bully
"Hey Laura, you live in Boston, right? We're here for a wedding and would love to catch up," said the Facebook message.The message was from my high school bully, my tormentor, my source of constant fear, stress, and anxiety, and as you might imagine, it gave me pause.Now, I've done...
I Made it Weird
I made it weird.Around mile 8, I started seeing all the super fit runners who’d already made it to mile ten and were on their way home. And something came over me and I just got so happy.It’s been a very long year and a half for all of usMany...
Dave Grohl is the Hero We All Need
I have a recurring fantasy about Dave Grohl, and it is fiery hot!Picture this, if you will... summer is coming to an end, the Labor Day bar-b-ques are heating up, and as soon as I throw those burgers on the open fire, my neighbor, six pack in hand, pops his...
No One Warned Me About This
This past weekend we dropped our eldest child at college.Everyone warned me that it was going to be hard. And it was.I feel incredibly lucky to have kids that I both love and like. Truly, if you asked me who I’d like to have dinner with live or dead, my...
We All Have the Twisties
Have you been watching the Olympics? I have.I'm actually quite the Olympics nerd, summer Olympics in particular. Why? The bodies! The nearly naked bodies. But, I promise, I'm not a gross pervert.I just love seeing the muscles, the form, the fitness, all of it which you can't see under layers...