Being a Boss Bitch
At the 2018 Academy Awards, Frances McDormand closed a traditional Best Actress blah-blah-blah-I’d-like-to-thank-the-Academy acceptance speech with this: “I have two words to leave with you tonight, ladies and gentlemen: inclusion rider!”It was said so seriously, so oddly out of cadence with the rest of the personal, heartfelt vibe of her...
I’m Not as Confident as You Think
There is a funny thing about confidence: sometimes the people who look like they have the most actually have the least.For me, it’s not confidence that has fueled my success, but optimism, romanticism, idealism. What most people see as confidence is just those things disguised as forward motion, action, and...
Talk to Yourself Like a Badass
Have you ever written down some of the things you say to yourself when you self-doubt self-talk? In your mind, these things sound okay, almost reasonable, in fact. Maybe you’re really not that smart, maybe you’re really not that ambitious, maybe your butt really could benefit from a few more...
Life Lessons Learned from Mile 20
You’d be surprised at the life lessons you can learn running marathons. Back when I used to run them, I’d say that there is a moment at mile 20, when you know you have six more miles to go, where you have to make a decision. Six miles, 10 kilometers....
All Hail the Sidequest!
I woke up this morning -- I mean really woke up, like for the day, with no chance of return to the prized, floaty, cocooned slumber from which I was so unceremoniously yanked -- at 12:45am. 12:45am! That’s practically still last night. Perhaps it was the sriracha shrimp tacos I...
Nobody is Perfect; Everybody is Perfect
Guess how many perfect candidates I found in twenty years of doing an executive search? Precisely zero.Guess how many incredible, world-changing leaders I placed? Approximately all.Why does this math make sense? Because no one is perfect.So, that begs the question: What are you waiting around for? You will never have...
You’ll Never Be Ready
“I really want to launch my own business, but I just don’t think the time is right.”“I’d like to go for that next big job, but I just don’t think I’m qualified yet.”“I want to apply to give that big talk, but I just don’t think I’m ready.”Psst! Here’s a...
How to Develop Lasting Grit
Studies show that the most important skill that kids will develop isn’t a language, or math, or even coding, but grit. In an age of immediate satisfaction, instant gratification, and trophies just for showing up, the ability to persevere in the face of challenges turns out to be in short...
Create Achievable Life-Changing Goals
Are you committed to life-changing goals?We’ve all experienced it: a diet gone astray, an exercise routine run off track, a home improvement project left unfinished, a new year’s resolution forgotten. Why is it that we always fail when we commit to big, life-changing goals?Simply put: it’s because of the very...