It’s Christmas Eve! It’s Chrstmas Eve! And everything’s perfect in Storybook Christmas perfection.
Well, maybe not exactly. Let’s try that again.
It’s Christmas Eve! It’s Christmas Eve! And everything isn’t perfect. But it’s perfectly *your* story.
How do I know this? Because meaning matters, and I was taught about meaning in the very best possible way: through the stories of the people I love.
It all comes down to a bunch of mismatched ornaments.
The Ornaments That Changed Everything
When I was a kid, growing up a nice Jewish girl in Miami, we didn’t have the perfection of Mother Nature. We had Mall Santa, and his Santascape of Consumerist Concocted Correctness. I adored the perfect, shiny, matching ornaments of the department store trees, twinkling with the glow of the holidays. This tree was all silver! That treee was all gold! I assumed this was how anyone and everyone would want to decorate their tree. I mean, duh. These trees told the story of the holiday, they defined the season, they were simply perfect.
And then I met and married a Catholic man and suddenly I got to get a tree of my own. Oh, how I dreamed of those perfect trees! I couldn’t wait to decorate ours, as soon as I decided on a color theme and design scheme. But, first, we went home for Family Christmas.
This is where it all went horribly wrong.
My first warning should have been the multi-color lights on the tree. But, then they began to bring box upon tattered box of mismatched Christmas ornaments from the attic. And all I could think was, “All these years they could have the perfect tree — didn’t they know?!? — and all these years they chose to put up this…?”
But what happened next changed everything.
In this clip from one of my keynotes, I share it all, including my favorite Christmas ornament. It’s not shiny, it’s not expensive, and it definitely won’t win any Pinterest awards. But this simple ornament carries a story that has shaped how I think about success and how I define what matters most in life. (Spoiler alert: this story may just inspire you to rethink your own definitions of success.) Watch the full clip here
I know you want to see what that Perfectly Storybook Christmas Tree looks like now. Keep reading, you’ll see how below.
Oh, but, wait! There’s more. Not only do my in-laws create perfectly imperfect Storybook Christmas every year with the ornaments, they also make the most delicious cookies you’ve ever tasted. They are buttery, they are sugary, filled with red and green frosting. They are a family tradition and they are, in a word, Christmas. Curious which cookie stole my heart? Find out: My Favorite Christmas Cookie.
(Fun Fact: I’m actually writing this right now, on Truesday morning, in between batches of making these exact cookies. Because, yes, I write every one of these newsletters myself, and I reply to every one of your responses. I hope you’ll give me the gift of saying hello this week!)
The Best Gifts I’m Giving This Year
So often the gifts we give are valued by others far more than what they cost us. And while I will give the usual trinkets of consumerist adoration this holiday season, what I really intend to give — the wrapping and bow that truly delights — will be my focus, my attention, my love, and my presence.
Because here’s what I know to be true: we get to choose what matters. Whether it’s a tattered ornament, a messy cookie, or a gift that shifts your perspective, these moments remind us that success isn’t about checking society’s boxes. It’s about the meaning we create and the space we make for the things that light us up.
So this holiday, give yourself the gift of permission: permission to define success on your terms, permission to be present, and permission to let things be imperfect. You don’t need more decorations or resolutions; you need more moments that matter. As I shared with Mario Lopez and Kit Hoover on Access Hollywood, you find the wonder when you stop looking at all of the hell. (And yes, I also shared several other holiday tips you won’t want to miss, including that picture of my favorite Christmas tree sitting in the living room next to me right now!)
Happy holidays, friend, and stay perfect.