The BETTERHuman Podcast

Host: Greg Witz

The TRUTH About Success (It's Not What You Think!)

Get ready to dive into the world of success with Laura Gassner Otting as she shares her journey and insights in her latest book, "Wonder Hell: A Guide for the Modern Age." On this episode of the betterHUMAN podcast, Laura discusses her experiences in executive search and her fascination with the question of why success doesn't always equal happiness. She reveals the secrets she learned from Olympic medalists, startup unicorns, and glass ceiling shatterers during her year of conversations with over 100 successful people.

Laura breaks down her book into three main sections: Imposter Town, Doubtsville, and Burnout City, and shares stories and insights for navigating the emotional rollercoaster that comes with achieving success.

So whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned executive, or simply someone looking for a roadmap to success, "Wonder Hell: A Guide for the Modern Age" is a must-read.

Check out Laura's work ๐Ÿ‘‰

Get your copy of Wonderhell ๐Ÿ‘‰

Listen to the betterHuman podcast ๐Ÿ‘‰


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