Increase employee engagement and drive more profitable growth

with leadership keynote speaker Laura Gassner Otting.

Customizable, available in-person and virtually

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“Laura's dynamic presentation style, tailored content, and practical strategies were a great fit for our event.

She challenged our thinking on employee engagement and gave us tools to increase morale, boost productivity, and build more cohesive teams. Laura was awesome to work with behind the scenes, and she tied our organization's mission into her talk like a pro.”

Meredith Rollins,

Chief Community Officer, PCMA

In today’s ever-changing world, the leaders who drive exponential growth know how to unlock their employees’ greatness to amplify innovation, collaboration, and performance.

But too many leaders struggle just to engage their employees, let alone unleash their full potential.

That's where leadership keynote speaker Laura Gassner Otting comes in.

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Leadership Keynote

Limitless Leadership:

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Unlocking Greatness to Drive Profitable Growth

Bringing together three decades of advising leaders from the corner office to the Oval Office, this keynote is perfect for leaders who want experience- and research-based strategies for spotting talent in others and cultivating their greatness towards innovation and growth.

In an ever-changing, increasingly complex world, one thing never changes: we all want to bring out the greatness in ourselves and in those who matter most to us. We applaud ourselves for getting it right because employee engagement is the highest it’s been in ten years… but it’s only 23%. Considering that engaged employees are dramatically more productive and profitable for their companies, 23% simply isn’t enough. What’s happening to the other 77%?

It would be easy to blame them for not leaning into the work, but the truth is harder for leaders to hear Employees aren’t failing leaders: leaders are failing employees..

We know good leaders will engage their employees more than bad leaders. But what’s less obvious is that even great leaders risk losing their best performers when those performers don’t feel truly seen. In the absence of a strong relationship, they become dissatisfied, disengaged, disappointed… and leave. With turnover costing up to twice the annual salary of departing employees, leaders must embrace a management approach that starts with unlocking greatness.

Leveraging more than a million data points gathered from her multi-year, global research project on employee engagement, Laura reveals how leaders can spot and stoke their employees’ secret talents and hidden passions and leverage deeper, catalyzing relationships to inspire limitless engagement (and profits).


Your audience of leaders will leave with:

  • A data-driven understanding of the root causes of employee dissatisfaction, disengagement, and disillusionment… and actionable ( free) steps that leaders can immediately take to build strong relationships with their teams
  • A proprietary framework and shared language for uncovering what ignites passion and connection within their team, driving higher engagement levels, less turnover, and a more cohesive culture so they can inspire, engage, and retain their best employees
  • A proven methodology from an expert talent spotter for determining who on the team (at every level) is destined for greatness, which will inspire common goals and remove friction about uncertainty, change, difficult decisions, and strategic workforce investments

Watch Laura
in Action

Additional Keynotes


Bringing Everything We Are to Everything We Do

Perfect for audiences ready to ignore the limits they’ve been given and achieve more than they ever thought possible. 



Turning Limitations
into Invitations

Perfect for audiences who feel stuck at their current level of success or who need to embrace new goals, changes, or opportunities



Igniting Meaning to
Connect and Win

Perfect for igniting excitement and confidence in your sales team and empowering them to crush bigger sales goals

Limitless Leader Report


What if everything you thought you knew about employee recruiting and retention was wrong? In this eye-opening global research study, Laura reveals key findings and in-depth statistics on what really engages employees and what you can do to keep them contributing at their highest levels.

Hello Truesday Newsletter

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Bestselling author, serial entrepreneur, researcher, and leadership keynote speaker

Laura knows leadership. She has stewarded thousands of leaders through massive moments of career shift and organizational disruption as an executive advisor and 20-year veteran of executive search.

And as a serial entrepreneur who founded and ran an industry-changing multimillion-dollar executive search firm, she intimately understands the unique pressure and demands of leading successfully. Her experience navigating the same struggles as your audience allows her to connect and inspire from real-life credibility as a keynote speaker.

After selling her search firm, she conducted a 3-year global research study on leadership and employee engagement and personally interviewed hundreds of leaders in multiple sectors and industries to understand how leaders and organizations can achieve unprecedented success. The frameworks and methodologies she shares with your audience are backed by data and proven to work.

But Laura is not a “data dump” keynote speaker. She enthralls audiences with her hilarious stories, dynamic presence, and no-holds-barred truth-telling. Your audience will be on the edge of their seat the entire time. More importantly, they’ll leave ready and able to engage their employees in a profoundly meaningful way that unlocks greatness and drives exponential growth.

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