with keynote speaker Laura Gassner Otting

Customizable, available in-person and virtually

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“Laura delivered simple, yet highly impactful life lessons that resonated with all attendees!

Whether they were early, mid or late career, Laura had a powerful message for all with authentic stories that illustrated her points. She provided a refreshing perspective leveraging her extensive research and diverse experiences. She is truly an inspirational speaker!”


Vice President, Imaging Clinical Applications, GE Healthcare

77% of employees are disengaged.

It’s not about the job. It’s about the lack of meaning they’re finding in the job.

Even in their personal life, they’re feeling stuck, disconnected, and unfulfilled.

But we all have greatness inside of us.

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Limitless Keynote


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This keynote Based on Laura’s Washington Post bestseller, Limitless, named by Robin Roberts as one of Good Morning America’s Favorite Books of the Year, this keynote is perfect for audiences who are ready to push past limiting beliefs and achieve more than they ever thought possible.

Each one of us was handed a scorecard of success at some point – by a parent, a teacher, a celebrity – maybe even before we can remember getting it… and it shaped who we are and what we think we can become. But what if their scorecard isn’t your scorecard, and what if you’ve been busy trying to fill in that myopic, singular, externally defined scorecard of success, only to find that even when the scorecard is full, you still feel empty? (Spoiler Alert: this is why only 23% of people say they feel engaged in their work.)

You can’t be INSATIABLY HUNGRY for someone else’s goals.

Laura spent 20 years leading executive searches, helping thousands of people navigate their most vulnerable moment of career shift and life disruption. Along the way, she discovered that the people who were the most successful, the most fulfilled, and the most profitable and productive for their companies weren’t those who simply hustled harder, but those who knew how to connect their work to what really mattered to them.

A kick in the ass wrapped in a warm hug, Laura teaches your audiences how to ignore the limiting beliefs that created their ceilings, remove the lies we tell ourselves that trap us in our past and find meaning in bigger, more profitable, and sustainable goals.

Keynote Speaker Laura Gassner Otting on stage at TEDx Cambridge

Your audience will leave with:

  • A proven framework to redefine success on their own terms, understanding what truly excites them about the work they do so they are more engaged, passionate, and productive
  • Pressure-tested strategies from an expert talent spotter for removing the lies they’ve been telling themselves and finding what makes them special, so they can bring the fullest versions of themselves to their life and work
  • Permission to fully embrace their secret ambition, and an actionable roadmap for creating a support system of like-minded achievers and accountability partners who never let them settle for mediocrity

Watch Laura
in Action

Additional Keynotes



Turning Limitations
into Invitations

Perfect for audiences who feel stuck at their current level of success or who need to embrace new goals, changes, or opportunities



Unlocking Greatness to
Drive Profitable Growth

Perfect for leaders who want data-based strategies for cultivating greater employee engagement and buy-in



Igniting Meaning to
Connect and Win

Perfect for igniting excitement and confidence in your sales team and empowering them to crush bigger sales goals

What’s Holding You Back From Becoming Limitless?

Each of us has the capacity to be limitless, but only when the “what you do” is aligned with the “who you are” in 4 key areas. 

Discover which of these 4 essential elements is missing from your life with this short quiz and receive a free guide on how to get unstuck and start your journey toward becoming Limitless.

Hello Truesday


Laura literally wrote the book on becoming Limitless. But she doesn’t just write and speak about it, she lives it. The framework and strategies she shares on stage are the same ones she’s used in her life to become:

  • A White House Presidential Appointee
  • A serial entrepreneur who founded, ran, and sold a multimillion-dollar company
  • The #1 Mindset Coach in the World
  • Survivor of a rare autoimmune disease
  • #3 on the list of the World’s Top 30 Motivational Speakers

She’s gone from contemplating her death to running marathons. She helped shape AmeriCorps, and she revolutionized her industry.

But she always wondered why what was clear about purpose and meaning to her was not clear to everyone else, so she set upon a global research journey on employee engagement. Her three-year study uncovered eye-opening statistics and actionable insights on how organizations can empower their employees to connect who they are with what they do.

Laura leverages an aspirational but actionable combination of relatable humor and hard-earned insights, backed by compelling unheard stories and robust data from 74 different countries. She grips audiences from beginning to end, helping them see and believe in their potential for greatness. And then, with no-holds-barred truth, she shows them how.

If you want your audience to become more engaged, fulfilled, and ready to fuel unprecedented growth in themselves and their organizations, then you want Laura as your keynote speaker.

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