Customizable Keynotes
that empower your audience to overcome their doubt, dream bigger, and unleash their greatness

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"The best motivational keynote we've ever had!"

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“Laura will energize your audience, help them make the most of their potential, and inspire them to embrace their next challenge.”


Sr. Director, Courtyard Global Brand Management
Marriott International





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Bringing Everything We Are to Everything We Do

Perfect for audiences ready to ignore the limits they’ve been given and achieve more than they ever thought possible


Limitless Growth

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Turning Limitations
into Invitations

Perfect for audiences who feel stuck at their current level of success or who need to embrace new goals, changes, or opportunities


Limitless Leadership

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Unlocking Greatness to
Drive Profitable Growth

Perfect for leaders who want data-based strategies for cultivating greater employee engagement and buy-in


Limitless Sales

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Igniting Meaning to
Connect and Win

Perfect for igniting excitement and confidence in your sales team and empowering them to crush bigger sales goals

Why Do Clients Love Working With Laura?


Laura is smart, funny, and, above all, super-relatable.

Laura’s talks are peppered with hilarious personal and professional stories, delivered with punchy power.

She grabs audiences from the first line and keeps them hooked until the final line.

And, when she is done, your audience will have laughed, they will have cried, and they will have learned and changed.

At the start of the talk, they’ll think she’s a badass. By the end, they’ll know that they are, too.

Laura Gassner Otting Speaker and Author in a blue dress leaning forward and smiling at her audience
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Been there, done
that, got the t-shirt.

Laura has spent three decades advising leaders from the corner office to the Oval Office, and she has founded and run institutions in the corporate, non-profit, political, and public sectors.

In addition to her professional life, Laura is also an open book about the struggles of parenthood, sickness, and personal and professional re-invention.

Too many speakers stand on stage and give “book reports” of other people’s knowledge, other people’s experiences, and other people’s breakthroughs.

Your audience knows better, and they won’t follow anyone anywhere they haven’t actually been.


customization &
continued learning.

Laura has case studies for days. She’s conducted a global research study on employee engagement and over a hundred interviews with world-changing leaders. Plus, she wrote a couple of bestsellers.

Her talks are drawn from her own experience, wisdom, and research…and she is able to customize every story she tells and data point she provides on your stage specifically toward the outcomes you seek at your event.

As an added bonus, she provides summaries of her talks after the event so the learning can continue.

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Most importantly,
Laura "is coffee."

When she first started speaking professionally, another speaker mentioned that conference organizers often spend more money on the coffee line in their budget than the speaker on their stage. In other words, coffee is more important.

So, Laura understands she’s not the star of your show; YOU are the star of your show. From the moment you first reach out until Laura gets on the plane home, we put you first. No diva behavior, no unreasonable riders; we aim to please.

Laura may be the one at center stage, but you are at the center of everything we do.


A Special


Laura’s been in your seat.

Her first career was in executive search. So, she deeply understands who your clients really are…and that it’s not her. In executive search, the client is the organization, and the candidate is the product. It’s the same for you.

In other words, Laura understands that your primary relationship is to serve your clients, not her. She never steals relationships, she never undercuts deals, and she always refers backspin.

Everything Laura does is aimed at making sure that your client comes back to you year after year.

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Limitless Leader Report


What if everything you thought you knew about employee recruiting and retention was wrong? In this eye-opening global research study, Laura reveals key findings and in-depth statistics on what really engages employees and what you can do to keep them contributing at their highest levels.

Hello Truesday Newsletter

The Limitless Leader: Recruiting and Retaining Top Performers During the Great Resignation and Beyond Findings from Research Conducted by Laura Gassner Otting From January 2019-December 2021
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