You Don't Have to Give The Trophies Back

Host: AAHA Central Line Podcast

Some of our favorite conversations are with thought leaders from outside veterinary medicine—there's something refreshing about realizing that the challenges we face in vet med aren’t always unique to our industry. Laura Gassner Otting, or LGO, is an executive coach and author of two books, Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve Your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life (2019), and Wonderhell: Why Success Doesn’t Feel Like It Should... and What to Do About It (2023). Both books debuted at #2 on major bestseller lists, and we have a feeling it’s not only because LGO has appeared on Good Morning America and TODAY, given TED talks, and served as a presidential appointee in Clinton’s White House – she just has a knack for putting tough concepts into terms that resonate.

Many of us in vet med spent our whole lives working towards a goal—getting into school, being credentialed, finding that first job. But as a lot of us find out, working hard for years to get somewhere doesn’t protect us from burnout, disillusionment, or feeling lost without another star to aim for. In this episode, LGO talks about why success sometimes feels as scary and difficult as it can feel great.


Working Mom Hour