The Daily Helping Podcast

Host: Dr. Richard Shuster

306. The Journey from Who You Are to Who You’re Becoming with Laura Gassner Otting

Join us on an inspiring journey with Laura, the author of "Wonderhell," as she shares her personal experiences of embracing uncertainty and the powerful impact of surrounding herself with the right people. Laura's story begins when she made the bold decision to leave law school, taking unexpected turns that ultimately led her to write "Wonderhell," a book about living in the question and finding one's unique path.

As we follow Laura's story, we learn the importance of living in a state of "doubtable" and embracing uncertain situations. By relying on resilience and adaptability, Laura discovered that uncertainty is essential for growth and being open to new experiences can lead to self-discovery and new opportunities.

The tale takes a deeper turn as we discuss the significance of having the right people around us while navigating uncertainties and challenges. Although we mention the famous Jim Rohn quote about being the average of the five people you spend the most time with, we clarify that there's no direct scientific evidence to support it. Instead, we delve into the concept of mirror neurons, which scan our environment for sameness and influence us subconsciously. This neurological basis highlights the importance of surrounding ourselves with people who support and encourage our journey.

Laura's story also emphasizes the idea that the people who were with us during one phase of our lives may not be the right ones to accompany us in the next. It's not about discarding people, but being intentional about the advice we seek and the voices we listen to. Through personal experiences about well-intentioned family members not fully understanding decisions and career paths, we learn that being mindful of who we seek advice from and having a supportive cheering section can make a significant difference in both our personal and professional lives.


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