Trina Gray: Leaving Others to Find Yourself

Trina Gray shares what you do when you turn out to be different than what everyone expected, and how you make peace with what you have to lose along the way. Join Laura Gassner Otting as she hosts this episode of LGOtv with special guest, Trina Gray – Rockstar Coach, Sidecar Superhero, Rules Rejector.

3:12​ – “You noticed me and that’s a lesson in itself.”
6:41​ – “I show up hard when I show up.”
12:57​ – “I can have really high expectations for people because I have them for myself.”
17:08​ – Do people actually pay their kids for getting good grades?
23:28​ – She came up to me and said, ‘Laura, I don’t care how late you were- You can not come to the White House with wet hair.’
27:38​ – “I was lucky that I was believed…When I spoke up, enough other women did too.”
34:27​ – “Speaking French and being a journalist is not necessarily the qualifications to open a health club.”
36:22​ – “You were going somewhere when you were here…What would you want to do?”
41:40​ – “I think fitness is what saved me because fitness isn’t competitive with anybody else…I love fitness more than sports.”
48:22​ – “I fell in love with a woman and it made sense!”
58:23​ – “I know they loved the version of me that they raised. This version is too hard.”
1:01:48​ – “Please stop seeking approval and permission. Just show up hard in this world.”


Trina Gray is an award-winning entrepreneur in the fitness industry, with a strong local and national presence. She was the IDEA Fitness Leader of the Year, the Beachbody CEO Award Winner, and earned the Top 10 Small Business of the Year from the Governor of Michigan. She has blazed her own trail, as a powerful speaker, small business owner, and mentor to other women. She opened a medically-based health club 15 years ago and founded her own online, at-home fitness team 12 years ago while raising kids from toddlers to teenagers. She believes in creating a life of freedom, choices, and purpose. She has two amazing kids in high school and her partner Erin has three young kids. They enjoy a colorful, adventurous life on the lake in Northern Michigan. Trina speaks on leadership, adversity, business strategy, and the never-ending pursuit of that thing called balance.

Washington Post Best Selling Author and Motivational Keynote Speaker, Laura Gassner Otting, inspires people to push past the doubt and indecision that keep great ideas in limbo because her presentations make listeners think bigger and accept greater challenges that reach beyond their limited scope of belief.

She delivers strategic thinking, well-honed wisdom, and perspective generated by decades of navigating change across the start-up, nonprofit, political, as well as philanthropic landscapes. Laura dares listeners to find their voice, and generate the confidence needed to tackle larger-than-life challenges. She leads them to seek new ways of leading, managing, and mentoring others.

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