Alexandra Carter – Negotiate For Anything You Want.

Join Laura Gassner Otting as she hosts this week’s episode of LGOtv with guest, Alexandra Carter. 

Alexandra Carter – Negotiator , Law Professor, Tiny Giant.

Alexandra Carter is a professor at Columbia Law School, where she teaches conflict resolution. She is a world-renowned negotiation trainer for the United Nations, Fortune 500 companies, civil rights agencies and more. 

In 2019, Alex was awarded the Columbia University Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching, Columbia University’s highest teaching honor. Her first book, Ask for More: Ten Questions to Negotiate Anything, was published by Simon & Schuster and became an instant Wall Street Journal bestseller — the first negotiation book solo-authored by a woman to make that list.

Professor Carter is a frequent media commentator on negotiation and pay equity for women, with appearances on MSNBC’s Morning Joe and MSNBC Live, Hardball with Chris Matthews, the CBS Early Show and NPR Marketplace. She is a contributor for NBC News’ Know Your Value, a news site devoted to helping women grow in their careers and reach their full potential. She lives in Maplewood, NJ with her husband and daughter.

3:40 When I’m helping other people, I can access my more powerful self.
7:25 What’s our framework for doing it for the sisterhood?
8:00 Look in the mirror and ask the 5 Powerful Questions.
11:09 What would challenge look like for me?
12:14 How have I been successful in the past? Start from success.
22:44 Sometimes people don’t know what they need in a negotiation.
29:02 There’s a superpower most negotiation books don’t talk about.
33:16 “Tell me” is the most powerful open question.
36:21 We are never going to solve this issue until we are able to write the other side’s victory speech = “The I/We”
39:17 Look at negotiation as a venn diagram.
45:17 The power of fear and guilt.
50:38 Real power, comes from being who you are.
55:30 Small steps make quantum leaps.


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