Simon Tam: Defending the Marginalized

What does it take to defend your marginalized identity in front of the Supreme Court, and how does everything change after? Join Laura Gassner Otting as she hosts this episode of LGOtv with special guest, Simon Tam – Bass Player, Radical Optimist, Troublemaker.

1:55 – Who picks up the bass?
7:03 – Why apply for a trademark registration for your band name?
8:45 – Why didn’t you bail out early when it was clear that success was nigh impossible?
10:02 – “If I had an opportunity to make a difference, why would I walk away?”
10:32 – “The true costs of following your dreams and following your values isn’t what you sacrifice in order to do that, it’s what you lose when you don’t.”
18:11 – How do you talk with a White Supremacist?
24:42 – “I get a bill for printing for $11,000 from the federal government. And I just thought, ‘Why am I doing this?’”
27:42 – “Much to the chagrin of my attorneys, when I encountered social justice groups that didn’t agree with me, I said, ‘You should file a case against me.’”
29:51 – “The first time I heard that we won was when I saw on Twitter that the Supreme Court ruled in our favor.”
31:10 – “Millions of Americans right now are experiencing discrimination…it’s incredibly degrading.”
33:30 – The Slants Foundation
39:16 – “I always grew up thinking that I would do music, play bass forever, and rock stages across the world. But this provides me with a level of reward and fulfillment that no stage has ever provided.”
43:00 – Using the first floor of a newly purchased home to create an art gallery and event space for marginalized voices.
52:30 – “The thing about privilege is that we’re blind to it.”
55:20 – “Supporting the arts isn’t just charity, it’s not just entertainment, it is justice.”

Instagram: @simonthetam

Washington Post Best Selling Author and Motivational Keynote Speaker, Laura Gassner Otting, inspires people to push past the doubt and indecision that keep great ideas in limbo because her presentations make listeners think bigger and accept greater challenges that reach beyond their limited scope of belief.

She delivers strategic thinking, well-honed wisdom, and perspective generated by decades of navigating change across the start-up, nonprofit, political, as well as philanthropic landscapes. Laura dares listeners to find their voice, and generate the confidence needed to tackle larger-than-life challenges. She leads them to seek new ways of leading, managing, and mentoring others.