Jonathan Fields: Discovering Grace Looking for Perfection

Jonathan Fields tells us what is a good life, and how you protect your energy to live the one you want. Join Laura Gassner Otting as she hosts this episode of LGOtv with special guest, Jonathan Fields – Father, Husband, Maker.

2:20​ – “I wake up in the morning and I say, ‘What can I create that doesn’t exist?’”
8:23​ – “What we see on the surface very often is not the primary impulse for effort underneath the surface.”
11:43​ – How did you realize that the thing that you tried to hide was actually the light inside of you?
17:57​ – I would say you are one of the few humans I know who truly always is wherever his feet are.
22:32​ – “I’m okay if it takes me 10 years to learn how to write a paragraph that finally matches that vision of the way I want the words to be in my head.”
29:57​ – “I didn’t ever really go to class…”
36:51​ – “One thing that I’ve learned is that there is no human being in the planet that I can’t be a student of. Every life reveals something to every other life.”
44:25​ – “We are in a season of de-humanization that starts with ourselves.”
59:23​ – “It’s easy to sell a business, it’s hard to leave a community.”
1:06:02​ – “It’s the sweet spot between this too and this too shall pass.”


Jonathan Fields is dad, husband, award-winning author, executive-producer/host of the top-ranked, Webby-nominated Good Life Project® podcast, founder and CEO of Spark Endeavors and chief architect behind the Sparketypes®, a tool tapped by over 450,000 individuals and organizations to identify and embrace and cultivate work that makes people come alive and equip organizations and leaders to better inspire extraordinary work. Translation – I make things that move people.

Washington Post Best Selling Author and Motivational Keynote Speaker, Laura Gassner Otting, inspires people to push past the doubt and indecision that keep great ideas in limbo because her presentations make listeners think bigger and accept greater challenges that reach beyond their limited scope of belief.

She delivers strategic thinking, well-honed wisdom, and perspective generated by decades of navigating change across the start-up, nonprofit, political, as well as philanthropic landscapes. Laura dares listeners to find their voice, and generate the confidence needed to tackle larger-than-life challenges. She leads them to seek new ways of leading, managing, and mentoring others.