Dorie Clark: Getting Others to Pay For Your Do-Over

Where do you start when you want to restart, and how do you get people to pay you for it? Join Laura Gassner Otting as she hosts this episode of LGOtv with special guest, Dorie Clark – Reinventer, Diversifier, Logophile.

1:35 – When did you know that you were smarter than the average bear?
8:48 – It takes a lot of strength to reinvent yourself.
9:00 – “Usually the naysayers are actually, ironically, the people who are closest to us.”
12:10 – How did Tony Robbins’ book change your life?
13:36 – I’m putting together a list of the people who detract from our lives. I’m calling it “The Dirty Dozen.”
18:44 – What was the job that you couldn’t wait to get?
19:33 – “I wanted to build a time machine.”
30:24 – How does the leap happen from politics into the business world?
33:24 – “For two years, I became the executive director of a bicycling advocacy organization.”
35:03 – I learned how to be a business woman by making every single possible mistake you can ever learn.
41:36 – The importance of multiple revenue streams.
42:58 – “It’s really about taking a core IP and leveraging it in smarter, different ways.”
46:24 – “The harder part is actually becoming a recognized expert.”
48:05 – “We have to prove to the world why they should listen to us.”
51:18 – “It is a very meaningful thing for me to help smart, awesome people get their ideas heard.”
53:39 – “The problem is that you need to have all three pillars. You need to be working on the thing that you’re not strong in.”

Instagram: @dorieclark
Dorie’s 88 question Entrepreneurial You self-assessment workbook
Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future:…

Washington Post Best Selling Author and Motivational Keynote Speaker, Laura Gassner Otting, inspires people to push past the doubt and indecision that keep great ideas in limbo because her presentations make listeners think bigger and accept greater challenges that reach beyond their limited scope of belief.

She delivers strategic thinking, well-honed wisdom, and perspective generated by decades of navigating change across the start-up, nonprofit, political, as well as philanthropic landscapes. Laura dares listeners to find their voice, and generate the confidence needed to tackle larger-than-life challenges. She leads them to seek new ways of leading, managing, and mentoring others.