
A Very Storybook Christmas

What’s your favorite Christmas ornament?When I was a kid, growing up Jewish, I adored the shiny, matching ornaments of the department store trees, twinkling with the glow of the holidays. This one was all silver! That one was all gold! I assumed this was how anyone and everyone would want...
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Women, Stop Being Too Nice

Ladies, I beg of you, stop being too nice.(Not a political post, just a political setting.)At the end of the Democratic debate last night, Judy Woodruff asked the candidates if there was a candidate on the stage to whom they’d give a gift, or from whom they’d ask forgiveness. The...
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A Mike Drop Moment

I dedicated my book, Limitless, to one of my mentors, Arnie Miller, who taught me to bring everything I am to everything I do. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Why? Because it’s not just about not getting it wrong. We have to make sure we are getting it right. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ He was...
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Boston Marathon 2013

This post was originally published on Facebook the day after the Boston Marathon Bombing in 2013. Some of the facts (like additional undetonated bombs) turned out to prove false, and some (like me running in 2014) turned out to be true. The sentiment remains intact as ever.On the Boston Marathon...
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I Climbed Everest, Sort of

This past weekend I climbed Everest.  But not really.I climbed Mt. Stratton 17 times to get to a total of 29,029 feet of accumulated elevation, the height of Mt. Everest.“What, LGO, that’s crazy! How did I not even know you were doing this? I’d think you’d be posting about training...
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It’s Not the Falling Down, It’s the Getting Up

It’s not the falling down that shows you who you are; it’s the getting up.This morning I woke to a Facebook memory that six years ago I ran a PR in a half marathon. I’d taken up running, did too much too soon, and got all kinds of injured. It...
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Stop Crushing It

Are you "Crushing It!?!"(Read that question with an in-your-face, temple vein pulsing instafluencer rage, preferably standing in front of a rented jet and someone else's car.)The largest looming threat to the prickly relationship between my advancing dotage and my tenuous hold on good health happens almost daily.  It is the...
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Let It Go, and You’ll Shift Your Mindset Forever

When I was pregnant with my first son, I had a birth plan and I was not going to let it go.It was a beautiful birth plan.  It was my beautiful birth plan.And, I was a fool.No, I wasn’t a fool for having a plan, for envisioning what would feel consonant...
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Help! I Wrote a Self-Help Book

I wrote a self-help book.About a month after my book, Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve Your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life came out — debuting at #2 on the Washington Post Bestseller list right behind Michelle Obama’s Becoming — I had a crushing realization: I wrote a...
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I Hated “Lean In”

In 2013, I read Lean In. I wanted to love it. I knew I was supposed to love it.But I didn’t.My issue with Lean In wasn’t the enormous amounts of privilege that Sheryl Sandberg used to achieve success. Hell, I did the same thing, albeit with a few less zeroes...
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Don’t Be Afraid of Real Conversations with Employees

Employee engagement feels elusive… but all you need is to have the right conversations to find out what really drives your team.I speak for a living.  And the biggest question I get when corporations want to bring me in to speak to their audiences is this: “When you get on...
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Entrepreneurship isn’t for the Weak

Hustle porn tells us that “Entrepreneurship isn’t for the weak!”  And, it’s true: it’s not.But it’s also not for the strong either.  Being single-focused, blindered, unwavering won’t get you far.  Or, at least it won’t keep you there when it does.As a serial entrepreneur and life-long mentor and coach to...
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