Everyone Loves a Good Crackpot Medical Theory, Right?
My father has a crackpot medical theory. It’s become known as the “Wasted Heartbeat Theory.” It goes something like this: we are all born with a certain number of heartbeats, and when we exercise, we raise our heart rate, and use up more heartbeats… so stop exercising.Now, don’t hate on...
What is Your Grand Opus?
When he was quarantined during the bubonic plague, Isaac Newton discovered gravity. Elsewhere in England, William Shakespeare was also hunkered down, social distance writing King Lear. In my house, we’re stress baking, eating jelly beans, and binge-watching Netflix.What is your grand opus? Do it now!Or, don’t.I couldn’t give a fuck.Here’s...
Best Business Strategy
I had a business strategy problem.Each time I get off of stage, I am asked by someone in the book signing line how they can go deeper into my content. It’s humbling, but it’s also a bit embarrassing, as an entrepreneur, to admit that they can’t. “Um, well, you can’t....
Fuck the Frog
Eat the frog? I say “fuck the frog.”Practically every thought leader guru espouses the wisdom, “Eat the Frog First.”The idea is that if you do the hardest thing first — you know, that supremely annoying, irrationally irksome, bothersome bane of your existence thing — then it’s all downhill from there.Well,...
Selling Trust is Easy During COVID-19
I understand selling trust.For 15 years, I sold executive search. I sold an impeccable read of talent honed through years of Jewish Mothering and witchblood genetic evolution. I sold a deep and wide research function the likes of which the CIA would envy. I sold a teeming database, a “little black...
Loss and Pain in COVID-19
I woke up at 1:50am, feeling an overwhelming sense of loss.And, loss is hard.And I don’t mean the loss of someone who dies. That shit is the worst — the exquisite, bottomless aching of a person whose arms will never again wrap around you, whose laughter will never again peal...
Doing Hard Things Alone
How do we do hard things, let alone, do them alone?So often, we do hard things by drafting off of others. We have friends, teammates, colleagues who get us through, give us advice, and role model for us. Their presence speeds our plow.This morning I did the hard thing —...
The Blessings of Structure at Home During COVID-19
Structure at home has been our saving grace these last few weeks.Last night, over dinner, ensconced at home during COVID-19, I asked my kids four simple questions:1. What did you do for your mind today? 2. What did you do for your body today? 3. What did you do for...
Peaceful Home? You’re Only 1 Post-It Note Away!
Do you want a peaceful home?For the past four years, my family has held a family meeting each and every weekend. Sometimes it’s in-depth, gathered around the kitchen table unpacking a deep and difficult problem, sometimes it’s fast and furious, in an airport lounge waiting to come back from a...
The Darkness Before the Light
It’s always 4:30 am. We’ve all done it. We’ve all looked at the travel website, considered the long list of flight options, and thought, “Well, if I take the 6:00 am flight, it will be a rough morning, but at least I’ll be on the beach by lunchtime…” Most of...
Oprah Winfrey and My #1 Dream-mare
Oprah, can you hear me?Today I had a rude awakening morning.You’ve had these mornings, too. They are the ones where you are thrashing about in one of those nightmares that hides as a dream, and then suddenly — bam! — you bolt upright in your bed, blinking away the sleep,...