I Am the Problem
My business tanked because of COVID-19. But it wasn’t COVID-19’s fault.For the past two months, I’ve complained, whined, and cried to anyone who would listen that COVID-19 is the problem.COVID-19 is stopping me from running my business.COVID-19 is not letting me get on planes and stages.COVID-19 is getting in between...
Stage Left is My Jam
I make my living center stage, but if I’m being totally honest, I’d much rather be stage left.Stage left is where it’s at.In March, the business I spent the past four years building vanished into a germ cloud of coronavirus. This doesn’t make me special. It happened to a lot...
Cher Knows the Way
We’re all feeling a little lost right now, aren’t we?But Cher is never lost.Last night I was thinking about all the travel I’m not going to get to do this year, and about all the travel that I loved doing last year. One trip, in particular, stood out for me:...
Janelle Monae all Dae
Confidence, power, brilliance. I could look at Janelle Monae all dae in her limitless yellow. “Embrace what makes you unique, even if it makes others uncomfortable. I didn’t have to become perfect because I’ve learned throughout my journey that perfection is the enemy of greatness.”— Janelle Monae How many...
I Believe Black Lives Matter
If you believe Black Lives Matter: Hire them. Pay them. Promote them. And have the hard conversations about why they might turn down your offer. Are you recruiting them simply for the color of their skin, to check a box, or because you are interested and actually making space for their point of...
Memorial Day: Freedom isn’t Free
Memorial Day is here and it’s gotten me thinking about patriotism lately.“We should get an American flag for our house,” I woke up yesterday morning and turned to my husband and said.“Why? Why now all of a sudden?” he replied.I had a hard time putting it into words, but I...
Finding Your Finest Hour In a Time of Crisis
Crisis brings out the worst in people. But it also brings out the best in people.What if it brought out the best in you, your team, your company?What if you could get to the other side of this crisis knowing that in the greatest hour of need of those who...
We’re All Up Schitt’s Creek, Together
Are you watching Schitt’s Creek? I just finished the last episode of the last season, the series finale, this morning. I laughed, I cried, I had an a-ha moment.In the time of COVID-19, we are all the Rose Family right now, and we’re all up Schitt’s Creek.If you aren’t watching...
Getting Through with Emotionally Intact Kids
Emotionally intact. That sounds pretty good, right?So, let’s talk about do-overs, mulligans, restarts…Have you ever had any? Sure you have.We’ve all screwed up. We’ve all tried again. We’ve all reinvented.Our kids will be able to do that too.But how do you raise emotionally intact kids?Are you a parent struggling to...
Do You Have Clean Poops?
There is nothing like the coronavirus crisis to focus you on what is really important. And what is really important? Poops.Can you spare a square? Times are tough, and they are about to get tougher. We all need to do our part.And, your part is to take care of yourself...