
The Purpose Fallacy

“Do your job, make your money, and volunteer on the side,” they advised. “Get your purpose outside of work,” they counseled. Once we’ve gotten out of the passion trap, we muck about in the other long-held college career center trope, where one conflates consonance with purpose, having a higher calling,...
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What Did You Do for Fun Today?

“What Did You Do for Fun Today?”Ten years ago, I picked my son up from preschool and, per usual, asked him about his day.  Normally, a happy, chatty kid, he didn’t hesitate to regale me with tales of story time, snack time, painting time, pee-in-your pants time.  But then, suddenly,...
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If Only We Could Freeze Time

Do you ever reflect on your life – the past and the present – wishing if only you could freeze time?A friend of ours recently passed away.  He was 47, a year younger than I am right now.  My heart wrenches for his wife and his two young daughters.  I...
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Want Success? Stop Keeping Score.

There are two types of people in the world: those who keep score, and those who don’t.I’m not a scorekeeper.  Never have been.That doesn’t mean I’m not hella competitive.  Trust me, if you’re on a rowing machine, treadmill, or spin bike next to me, I’m racing you… even if you...
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Stop Living a Consonance Crisis

If the “who” you are doesn’t match the “what” you do, regardless of how it manifests, it’s time to figure out why. We suffer a consonance crisis when we know when things aren’t right; we just don’t quite know what’s wrong, and so solving for the void becomes difficult.  Not...
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Wonderment Awaits

Sitting at my niece’s high school graduation, and listening to the speeches about their potential and the wonderment that is to come for these fresh-faced, young vessels of promise. There is nothing but open road for these graduates. It is a sheer delight. And yet, I can’t help but wonder if...
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Greetings from Wonderhell

Laura Gassner Otting and Malala Yousafzai Four days ago I published my new book. The day before that I found out that it was debuting as a bestseller, #2 in the Washington Post list behind Michelle Obama. (Squee!) And, the day before that over a hundred of my dearest friends...
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Why Do We Need Control?

“I’d like to ride that terrifying roller coaster of unknown length, in the dark, for an uncertain number of times, without any guarantee that my seatbelt is fully functioning or that the ride has been inspected anytime in the past ten years,” said no one ever.I’m not ashamed to say...
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What is Contribution?

The work we do should contribute something to our lives—but what? When we sit back and fantasize about the life we want to live, we all have different definitions of success. Some of us want to pay off our student loans. Some of us want to increase our vocational velocity....
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What Is Connection?

We are distracted. As slaves to the Tyranny of Urgency, we mistake being busy and stressed for important work.  We run on the hamster wheel, doing more work, but not necessarily work that matters. Don’t believe me? Try to describe your biggest professional achievements this year, the ones of which...
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What Is Calling?

The most obvious and most frequent use of the term "calling" is in the traditional religious, nonprofit, or cause-driven way. It’s true that working for a cause that is bigger than ourselves can bring great meaning to our work. We feel good about ourselves when we are doing things for...
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The Time is NOW! Order Limitless Today.

It’s finally here!  No, not my birthday (though, yes, it’s my birthday!) It’s the other birthday: the birth of my book launch!  Today is both my birthday AND the official launch, six weeks to publication, of the pre-order campaign for my book Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve your Own...
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