
What Is Calling?

The most obvious and most frequent use of the term "calling" is in the traditional religious, nonprofit, or cause-driven way. It’s true that working for a cause that is bigger than ourselves can bring great meaning to our work. We feel good about ourselves when we are doing things for...
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The Time is NOW! Order Limitless Today.

It’s finally here!  No, not my birthday (though, yes, it’s my birthday!) It’s the other birthday: the birth of my book launch!  Today is both my birthday AND the official launch, six weeks to publication, of the pre-order campaign for my book Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve your Own...
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Badass Author Bookclub

As I prepare for the launch of MY forthcoming book LIMITLESS, I’m re-reading so many good books. So, I want to share the wisdom from my nerd-crush authors: Brené Brown, Alison Levine, Jen Sincero and Carey LohrenzFEARLESS LEADERSHIP by Carey Lohrenz:Carey is a pretty big badass. What’s amazing about Carey is...
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My Long Distance Love Affair

I'm in a long distance relationship.A million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and man had not yet created fire, I was in a long-distance relationship with an adorable, kind, brilliant boyfriend. He was in Washington, DC, and I was in Boston. And every weekend, he would fly to...
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You Aren’t That Important

“You’re just not that important.”This was the best and hardest piece of advice I’ve ever unceremoniously received. It hurt. It was true. And it was a watershed moment.I’ve written blogs about saying yes. I’ve written blogs about saying no. The truth is that it doesn’t matter if you say yes or no until you decide what...
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Don’t Eat the Frog First!

I’m often asked how long it took me to write Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve Your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life.  The answer is that I wrote the main corpus in about three weeks. This, of course, shocks people. The more complicated answer is that, while it...
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What if you didn’t show up to work tomorrow?

We’ve all laid in bed having those fantasies.No, not *those* fantasies!  (Well, maybe those too…)I’m talking about the ones that happen in the morning after your alarm pulls you out of your sweet, sweet slumber.  The alarm rings out, jarring you awake, and your very first thought is, “Ugh, what...
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“How Have I Aged” Game FAIL

I’m so annoyed at all the “how have I aged” post on FB.“How am I aging? How have the last ten years hit me?”I’m getting older. I’m getting wiser. I’m getting braver.I am becoming more of what I never knew I could be. I am learning that there are multitudes...
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Live Your Best Life

Last week, I squirreled away in a sound booth the size of a bathroom stall for four hours a day, two days in a row.  Eric, an effortlessly cool, long-haired millennial whose current job titles include an athletic trainer, fitness competitor, metal guitarist, and, of course, sound technician, sat outside...
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Slow Down to Speed Up

I like to sit in the aisle when I fly.  It gives me the illusion of control.  Sure, I know right up in my cerebellum that if the plane goes down, it’s a fiery inferno for all of us — but still, the idea of having some control has always...
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Answer Your Calling

I am on a quest. It’s a full-on, can’t be stopped, no-holds-barred quest to get you to live your best life.But, I’m not going to tell you how to live your best life. That isn’t for me to say. What I am going to do, however, is demand that you...
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Embrace the Edge of Incompetence

We’re grown-ups.  We have jobs. Those jobs were earned because we demonstrated competence in a task.  That task is valued by the boss, and so the boss pays us. Seems logical so far, right?But here’s where it goes off the rails.  We learn to derive our value from the continued...
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