Activate Your

Find clarity, build your confidence,
and unlock your greatness with Laura’s
Executive Advisory Services

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“LGO has a remarkable ability to shine your mirror right back at you—both the good and the bad parts of the reflection. She’ll help you identify your challenges and then help you quickly tap into your power and potential so

you can shed your baggage and do the big things you thought you couldn’t do.”


VP, Executive Producer, 22Squared

sarah spitz
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“Wendy Rhodes meets Olivia Pope with a bit of Neo thrown in for good measure.”


(“But with less dead bodies” - LGO)




from Laura Gassner Otting

Laura’s superpower is seeing the greatness in others and reflecting it back to them so they can see it (sometimes for the first time) and have the confidence to finally act on it.

If you need to get unstuck, get out of your own way, and get on the road to becoming limitless, Laura is the coach for you.

And, a trusted expert on mindset, personal growth, and leadership for leading news outlets like...

Her impact on clients isn’t derived from stale coaching formulas or other people’s ideas; instead, it starts with exactly what her clients need.

Laura founded and led an industry-defining business worth millions, spent 20 years in executive search learning how to uncover hidden talent and secret potential, and has spent the past decade researching the methodologies behind achieving success and actually enjoying it.

She’s learned how the greatest do it.

She’s put it into practice herself.

And, she can teach you, too.

Available Programs

As a bestselling author, keynote speaker, endurance athlete, and mother and wife, Laura offers a limited number of advisory engagements.

She only takes clients she feels that she can support and impact in a truly transformative way. It’s not you, it’s her. But, also, maybe it’s you. That’s why she’ll want to talk to you before she lets you hire her.

Advisory Services

Monthly Retainer,
On-Call Availability

Choose this option if you want unbiased, constructive support anytime, anywhere, for however long you need it. Laura will be in your corner and on your side.

Coaching Sprints

90 Days, Weekly or
Bi-Weekly Video Calls

Choose this option if you have a specific challenge or goal and need help breaking through to unlock your next level of greatness.

Here’s How Laura Will

work with you

There is greatness inside of you. You just haven’t been shown where to look.

Your unique greatness may not be what you believe, or were told, makes you great. (You know the thing you’ve been banging your head against the wall trying to do?) Laura will help you unlock a new perspective on yourself that unleashes what truly makes you special so you can better impact everyone and everything that matters to you.

You can achieve everything you’ve ever wanted, and also enjoy the hell out of the ride. Laura can help.

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LGO on phone

Your coaching will be personalized to you and will include intensive homework.

During your first call, you’ll discuss the issues you’re facing and what you are hoping is the successful outcome for each. Given Laura’s gift for pushing past surface problems and identifying the root causes of issues, you may find that you start somewhere other than where you’d expected.

Fear not; you’ll create a plan together, with an expectation of progress throughout. In the end, you’ll solve both the surface problem and the root causes.

You will come out of your conversations closer to clarity than confusion and never feeling afraid or alone.

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No solution given to us by someone else can ever be as effective as the solution we find on our own.

As such, Laura will guide and facilitate, but she won’t provide specific answers. She’ll ask catalyzing questions and be prescriptive about the homework, but there will never be correct or incorrect answers… only correct and incorrect answers for you that align with who you are and who you want to become.

You’ll see a version of yourself that you never knew was possible. And you’ll finally, maybe even for the first time, have the confidence to act on it and do what you were put on this earth to do.

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Wanting to be coached and actually being coached are two separate mental hurdles.

Laura is tough, and she pulls no punches. You’ll get the truth, unvarnished but always actionable.

And she reserves the right to end or pause a coaching relationship if she feels you are not in a position to take the work seriously.

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Hello Truesday

PS. Each Tuesday, I send my Hello Truesday newsletter to thousands of subscribers. If you like the unfiltered truth and real-time, real-life insights, you’ll fit in just fine.

Hello Truesday Newsletter

Hello Truesday
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